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Marian is a Freedom Igniter.
As she dared to face her own tragedies and trauma and found lasting freedom,
she's devoted her life to bring others into a lifetstyle of freedom.
"My greatest joy is witnessing the transformation that only God can bring when people become healed from their past wounds and connected to their source of life.
They will begin to see changes in attitudes in the workplace, home, and relationships.
Their world changes.
When this happens, nothing can stop them from walking in their calling, purpose, and God-given potential. It's a privilege to be a part of their metamorphosis."


Happily married for over 30 years and a pastor's wife, she has two grown children with their spouses and one grandchild. She enjoys a cup of coffee with friends.

Called "The Resilient Couple," Marian and her husband have weathered the storms of life with a tenacious faith. They have been betrayed, homeless, bankrupt, and near divorce. Yet their faith sustained them and strengthened their marriage and love for each other. They have witnessed miracle after miracle of God's faithfulness in their lives and children.

Having been freed from much brokenness, Marian trained as a pastoral-peer counselor because she wanted others to triumph over their past wounds as she. She was assigned difficult cases. Marian later became a biblically-based Trauma and Grief Recovery Coach and group facilitator, a chaplain, and is becoming a Mental Health Coach. Her passion is helping others become free as she was set free through the power, grace, and compassion of God.

Her life reflects the Freedom, Life, and Joy that God intends for everyone. Her joyful countenance is contagious to all she meets and you won't be disappointed.
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