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"Once you are free -
you are forever free!"
Invite Marian to speak
and see God touching & changing lives!

Everyone can become free from victimhood, PTSD, trauma, past wounds, anger and bitterness, and Marian is a living testimony.
She brings over 30 years of experience and has the uncanny ability to address issues that penetrate the soul and spirit that hinder personal growth through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Through her story of walking through trauma with only the Holy Spirit, battling herself, and facing the man who killed her father, she'll impart truth that delivers healing and lasting freedom.

Your group will experience a new level of emotional healing and transformation through a biblical approach to trauma recovery with Spirit-Led Ministry time.
Your group will become better equipped and radiate life and joy in their families, churches, workplace, and community.

Introduction to Kingdom Freedom
"I'm a Christian, but why am I struggling
so hard?" but why am I struggling
The Source
The Root
Law of Sowing & Reaping
Desperation Factor
Art of Digging Empty Wells
Greatest Gift Exchange
Forgiveness Path
Building a Lifestyle
Freedom! Life! Joy!

Joy of Kingdom
Kingdom Co-Heirs
"How can I forgive when it hurts too much?"
Myths of Forgiveness
What it is and isn't
Too Difficult Words
When it is too hard
Forgiveness from the Heart
Connecting with the Forgiver
Enjoying the Life of Forgiveness
Goodbye Shame & Guilt!
"Who do I belong to? Who's my Daddy?"
The Orphan Spirit
The fatherless epidemic
Healing the father wound
Connection with the Father
Receiving the Father's Love
Kingdom co-heirs with'Benefits
No longer alone!

Kingdom Road to Freedom
"Can I really be free & live free?"
12-week course in one conference
8 Kingdom Principles
Grief and Loss
Trail Blazers
Identifying walls
Clearing Debris
Spiritual warfare
The Finish Line
Victors - Not Victims
Living in Freedom - now what?
Forever Free!
Would you like to
invite Marian?

Soaring in
"Now that I'm free, what next?"
A sequel to the Road to Freedom Course, this covers:
Living in Freedom
Hearing the Father's voice
Dwelling in His Presence
Worship makeover, and more.
Kingdom Secrets to Living a
Life of Freedom

Landing in
Living a Life of Joy and Laughter
(a Christian Laughter Institute}
"Is Joy and Laughter meant for the church today?
Joy and laughter naturally follow when people become set free. Course covers:
Biblical basis for Joy
Power of Joy
Healing in Joy
Using her love of laughter & humor, she will bring the house down and joy released.
Her other favorite topics, but not exhaustive, include:
Raising Up intercessors
Being With Jesus Being With You
Servant Evangelism
Developing Spiritual Beach Heads in Your Community
Supernaturally Living as Christians in Today's World
For a tailored message, you may discuss the needs of your group by contacting Marian by clicking on the button below. Let her work with you to decide the best choice for your people,

Happily married for 42 years and pastor's wife, she has two grown children with their spouses and one grandchild. She enjoys a cup of coffee with friends.

Called "The Resilient Couple," Marian and her husband have weathered the storms of life with a tenacious faith. They have been betrayed, homeless, bankrupt, and near divorce. Yet their faith sustained them and strengthened their marriage and love for each other. They have witnessed miracle after miracle of God's faithfulness in their lives and children.

Through periods of feast and famine, with much brokenness, Marian trained as a pastoral-peer counselor because she wanted others to triumph over their past wounds as she. She was assigned difficult cases. Marian later became a biblically based Trauma and Grief Recovery Coach and group facilitator, a chaplain, and a Mental Health Coach. Her passion is helping others become free as she was set free through the power, grace, and compassion of God.

Her life reflects the Freedom, Life, and Joy that God imparted to her. Her joyful countenance is contagious to all she meets and you won't be disappointed.
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