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Road to Freedom Course
Part I - Getting Started
Week 1 - Orientation & A New Path
1. Watch Videos
2. Print worksheet 1 and complete
BONUS: Words of Hope
BONUS SONG: The Blessing
Module 1 - 7 min.
Module 2 - 12 min.
Week 1 - 15 min.
Part I - Getting Started
WEEK 2: Forging Through Grief and Loss
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
Print Worksheet 2 and complete
Print Worksheet 3 and complete
BONUS: Words of Comfort
BONUS MUSIC: Arms of Love
It is Well
Module 1 - 9 min.
Module 2 - 23 min.
Module 3 - 11 min.
Part II - Road to Freedom Principles
Week 3 - The Journey Begins
1. Watch Video
2. Print download and complete
3. Post your questions in the Facebook thread for the Road to Freedom Igniters coaching call for Mastermind and Elite members. Online study may post questions and will receive a posted comment.
Part II - Road to Freedom Principles
Week 3 - The Journey Begins
1. Watch Video
2. Print download and complete
3. Post your questions in the Facebook thread for the Road to Freedom Igniters coaching call for Mastermind and Elite members. Online study may post questions and will receive a posted comment.
Part II - Laying the Groundwork
Week 3 - The Journey Begins
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
Print Worksheet 2 and complete
BONUS: Road to Freedom Principles
BONUS MUSIC: Revelation Song
He is Yahweh (CM)
He is Yahweh (V)
Module 1 - 7 min.
Principle 1 - 7 min.
Principle 2 - 9 min.
Principles 3-4 - 17 min.
Part II - Laying the Groundwork
Week 4 - The Way Out
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
BONUS: Words of Persistent Faith
Principle 5 - 10 min.
Principle 6 - 10 min.
Part III - Completing the Groundwork
Week 5 - The Forgiveness Path
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
BONUS: Path of Forgiveness
MUSIC: Reckless Love (Piano)
Holy Water
Principle 7 Module 1 - 11 min.
Principle 7 Module 2 - 18 min.
Principle 7 Module 3 - 21 min.
Principle 7 Module 4 - 9 min.
Principle 7 Module 5 - 14 min.
Principle 7 Module 6 - 7 min.
Part IV - Blazing the Trail
Week 6 - The Orphan Spirit
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
3. Print Worksheet 2 and complete
BONUS: Words of the Father
BONUS MUSIC: Run to the Father
How He Loves Us
Module 1 - 9 min.
Module 2 - 15 min.
Module 3 - 6 min.
Part IV - Blazing the Trail
Week 7 - Art of Digging Empty Wells
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
Print Worksheet 2 and complete
Print Sample Chart for reference
BONUS: Words of Living Water
BONUS MUSIC: All My Fountains
Fountains/Came to Rescue Me
Let the River Flow
Module 1 - 20 min.
Module 2 - 20 min.
Part IV - Blazing the Trail
Week 8 - Tearing Down Walls
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
2. Print Worksheet 2 and complete
BONUS: Words of Protection
BONUS MUSIC: You Are My Hiding Place (Live)
You Are My Hiding Place (Video)
Ps 91
Come and Tear Down the Walls
Module 1 - 12 min.
Module 2 - 10 min.
Module 3 - 18 min.
Module 4 - 20 min.
Part IV - Blazing the Trail
Week 9 - Dismantling Webs of Lies
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
2. Print Worksheet 2 and complete
BONUS: Words of Truth
Module 1 - 18 min.
Module 2 - 13 min.
Part IV - Blazing the Trail
Week 10 - Cutting through False Beliefs, Vows, & Judgments
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
BONUS: Words of Overcoming
BONUS MUSIC: In Christ Alone
Too Good to Not Believe
Module 1 - 8 min.
Module 2 - 17 min.
Module 3 - 18 min.
Module 4 - 14 min.
Module 5 - 17 min.
Part IV - Blazing the Trail
Week 11 - Detours Off the Trail
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
BONUS: Words of Power and Authority
BONUS MUSIC: Break Every Chain
Don't Tread On Me
Our God
God's Not Dead
The Battle is
Part V - The Clearing
Week 12 - Crossing the Finish Line
1. Watch Videos
2. Print Worksheet 1 and complete
BONUS: Words of Freedom & Celebration
Day of Victory
Congratulations! You have crossed the Finish Line on the Road to Freedom. This song says it all. Let's celebrate your wins!
Matt Gilman-2013
This last selection provides over an hour of worship, ending in extravagant celebration before and after New Year's Eve 2013. In the last 45 minutes of the live event you will step into a spectacular example of freedom and victory here on earth. Over 25,000 joined in high jubilation for what Jesus has done in their lives. Such rejoicing without alcohol! Can you imagine heaven? Foot stomping joy! We have much to shout about! Who says walking with Christ is boring? Let the music flood your senses and take you into the Presence of the SOURCE for all life and victory. May you live a life of lasting freedom!
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